A sports club which is warming up for its centenary year is asking for help to write a record of its history.

On your marks - June Cork needs club facts Picture: ROBIN WOOSEY

Southend Athletic Club spokeswoman June Cork is writing a book on the club's past to mark its 100th anniversary next year.

And although she has managed to trace some former members and their families, she would still like to hear from anyone who knows about the club's history or who can identify the former members pictured in photos dating back to 1907.

She said: "It is a huge milestone. Not many sports clubs get there.

"I have got three people in the old photos that I can name but I'd like to put names to the others. There's a lot of digging around but it's great fun."

The club started life as Southend Harriers and met at the Blue Boar pub in Victoria Avenue before setting off for their run. The pub's licensee, Oliver Trigg, who had helped to set up Southend United, also took an interest in the Harriers.

Then in 1937, it joined with Leigh Harriers and became Southend Athletic Club.

She said: "We'd like to get hold of as many ex-members as possible. People with old photos would be fantastic." Call her on 01702 472195.

Published Tuesday July 27, 2004

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