A new online service is being set up so Essex school governors can share and discuss ideas on education.

The aim of creating this forum, which is being piloted by Essex LEA, is to provide governors with a means of helping them in their work.

The online service is being developed by a group of governors after an information audit called Governing for Success was carried out to see how schools can be efficiently run.

Governor Tina Davis, of Thurstable School, Tiptree, said: "he community of practice will enable governors and governing bodies across Essex to communicate in a very user-friendly way, to inform, share examples of good practice, hold discussions, learn from each other and obtain advice on all aspects of governance, information and communication in a simple yet highly effective and immediate format."

Once the service is launched in the autumn, it will give governors somewhere to work, browse and research, the chance to talk with other governors on-line and a place to share information.

Essex County Council's cabinet member for schools, Cllr Iris Pummell, said: "A lot of excellent work has gone into this project and I am delighted that Essex County Council has enabled governors in Essex to create something that can help all governors in their work.

"This in turn can only be a great thing for all our schools and will help in our bid to improve standards."

Published Tuesday July 27, 2004

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