An elderly spinster who believes politicians have more confidence than brains has dedicated her retirement to helping people express themselves.

Repeat after me - speech therapist Alfreda Guise Picture: ANNA LUKALA

Alfreda Guise, 73, of Oak Walk, Hockley, specialises in elocution, public speaking and communication skills.

She said: "Many people lack confidence and this can have an enormous impact on their lives.

"A lot of people need to gain confidence to have their say at work.

"The trouble with a lot of bosses is they do not know how people tick. They do not know the job at the lowest level and workers are often too shy to say anything.

"They are afraid to speak up so just mumble about things to themselves. I help people to express themselves."

Miss Guise, who has lived in Hockley for 24 years, also has clients who want to rid themselves of their Essex accents.

She said: "Unfortunately an Essex accent does not sound very professional. If you are a solicitor, for example, you need to sound on the ball.

"Some people think everyone with an Essex accent is stupid. It's not fair but it's just the way it goes."

Her other clients include children who need help with reading and writing, foreigners who need help with the English accent and a 76-year-old neighbour who comes to her for elocution lessons.

Published Monday July 26, 2004

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