Maldon motorists who continue to break the law by using their hand-held mobile phones while driving are warned they face bigger fixed penalty fines and three penalty points on their licences.

Sgt Richard Miller, of Maldon police, issued his warning after reports of growing numbers of drivers in the Maldon area defying new laws against phones on the move were imposed earlier this year.

He reminded the wrongdoers that the Government intends to punish them with on-the-spot fines, doubled to £60, and the use of penalty points.

Officers were pleased to see an initial decline in the use of phones on the move when the new laws were introduced, he said.

But many Maldon drivers had been spotted slipping back into their old habits when behind the wheel.

"I want to get people out of the habit of using their mobile phones in the interests of safety and in the interests of their pockets," said Sgt Miller.

Officers at the county's road policing unit in Rayleigh said they are "saddened" to see people slipping back into their dangerous habits.

Offenders dealt with at magistrates' court are likely to be fined £500 for not wearing a seatbelt and £1,000 for using a mobile phone while driving.

Published Friday July 23, 2004

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