A major cash boost to complete three long-awaited Witham transport schemes has been confirmed by transport bosses.

The big surprise is that Essex County Council has agreed to earmark £300,000 for improvements at Witham railway station.

The station footbridge will be extended to link up with its car park and a new road-rail interchange in Easton Road, on the opposite side of the station to the congested existing entrance.

The county council also confirmed £500,000 would be spent upgrading the A12 Witham north interchange and junctions in Maldon Road.

The junction where the slip roads meet at the A12 junction will be re-aligned to make it safer and help lorries negotiate it, and traffic lights will be introduced.

Mini-roundabouts are planned at two busy junctions in Maldon Road, at Maltings Lane and Wickham Hill, which could lead to the speed limit there being reduced from 40mph to 30mph.

Published Wednesday July 21, 2004

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