A talented Textiles student is singing the praises of her course after putting her work on display at a Graduation Show held in Brick Lane - one of the capital's main fashion centres.

Former Billericay School student, Zoe Byrnie, 20, is now looking to highlight the opportunities that have opened up to her through the Higher National Diploma (HND) course in Fashion With Textiles at Thurrock & Basildon College.

So far design work has included helping to create a corset for Tara Palmer-Tomkinson's latest Walker's Crisp ad as part of her work experience with top designer Tristan Webber.

Zoe, who works part-time at the British Heart Foundation (BHF) shop in Brentwood High Street, said: "I have always been interested in fashion and have been making clothes since I was 10-years-old. This is a great course with lovely tutors - Katrina Faulkner and Lesley Parker - who are very fresh faced and really involved in their subject.

"The students come from everywhere such as East London, Epsom and Southend and are all ages. They all have different interests and while I might be working on something quite extreme the person next to me could be doing something really delicate stitch-work. It is really good to have a group like that to bounce ideas off."

According to Zoe Billericay School was extremely helpful in assisting her to choose the right option four years ago.

She said: "I really wanted to stay on to do A Levels there, but at the time they didn't do Textiles. My tutor John Walker and my textiles and art teachers were all really supportive and helped me find the right course.

"I completed the two year National Diploma in Fashion Design and enjoyed it so much I decided to stay on and complete the HND. I considered going on to university, but it would have been so expensive to do that - it would have been £3,000 just for the accommodation at the halls.

"Fortunately I have built up so many contacts through doing this course and in this industry it is often who you know not what you know. I just want to tell people about the opportunities which are out there."

Published Tuesday July 20, 2004

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