A Corringham school has introduced a new system into the classroom where older pupils act as mentors for the younger ones.

Gable Hall School in Southend Road is setting up the new system of form grouping, which means six pupils from both Years Ten and 11 will be spending 20 minutes a day helping those from Years Seven, Eight and Nine with homework and school processes like deciding GCSE options.

Teachers believe the system will be beneficial for all those involved, as the older pupils will be able to take on an important role of supporting and being mentors to the youngsters.

Headteacher John King said: "A number of staff have experienced the system and spoken positively of the benefits. It will build a sense of whole school community by breaking down age barriers.

"It will further enhance the socialisation programme and prevent younger pupils feeling intimidated by older ones, thereby developing independence and confidence in all pupils."

Published Monday July 19, 2004

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