A dedicated dad pounded the pavements for ten miles in memory of his daughter Gemma, who died of Leukaemia aged 12.

Gratefully received - these walkers helped raise more than £2,500 for Southend Hospital's leukaemia unit Picture: ANNA LUKALA ZEJ751

Duncan Holland, 45, from Stansfield Court, walked from the Pier Entrance, Southend, to Tarpots in Benfleet on the Saturday which would have been Gemma's 20th birthday.

More than £2,500 was raised for the Leukaemia Unit at Southend Hospital, as well as a further £160 that was raised by walkers who joined Mr Holland carrying buckets for donations on the day. The participants started at 11am and finished their tiring day at about 4.45pm.

Mr Holland said: "It went really well and we were all having fun. I'm not much of a walker, but I would walk much further if it meant I could raise more money."

The walk was also dedicated to the memory of Matthew Mullins, who was treated with Gemma at St Barts and also lost his battle with the disease.

Gemma was diagnosed with leukaemia in September 1996. Less than a year later, in May 1997, she died.

Published Tuesday July 13, 2004

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