Athletes are running to a Colchester school to deliver the Olympic torch to fellow competitors.

The torch is being delivered between the 14 Colchester schools competing in a Mini-Olympics hosted at a special stadium at High Woods Sports Centre on July 19 and 20.

Each school represents a different country and it was the turn of pupils from Old Heath Primary School, who are taking the role of China to deliver the torch to fellow athletes at Monkwick Infants School in School Road.

The torch is a baton which was used in the Round Island Race to celebrate the millennium and contains a letter from Princess Anne.

Old Heath head teacher Sharon Sciachettano said: "The children ran to Monkwick Infants School with our site manager Roy Malseed and the street wardens. When they got there, the children at Monkwick had lined up in the street and were waving flags."

The event has been arranged by the Colchester Consortium and High Woods sports centre will be doubling up as Athens for the contest.

Published Tuesday July 13, 2004

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