Police have launched a fresh appeal to catch the teenager who pulled a 12-inch carving knife on a sales assistant.

The attempted robbery of the Fortuna store, in Maurice Road, on Thursday, June 24, was foiled when the quick-thinking 26-year-old woman hit the shop's panic button.

Police believe the would-be robber would also have used a hammer head, which was later found discarded, as a weapon.

Det Con Alex Gartshore said: "This happened in the middle of the day and the robber was seen running from the shop.

"He went down Sprungdel Avenue and then ran into Roggel Road. From there he was seen running towards the seawall.

"When he left the shop he still had the carving knife. There have been no new leads so we would again urge anyone who saw anything or who thinks they know who the man is to contact us."

The man is white, aged 14 to 18 and wearing a turquoise hooded top and dark blue tracksuit bottoms.

Anyone with any information should call Det Con Gartshore at Canvey CID on 01268 511212.

Published Tuesday July 13, 2004

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