Have your say. Youngsters from across the Maldon district are being invited to tell the council what they want and where at a special consultation event.

Maldon District Council has a pot of more than £400,000 to spend on new facilities for children and young people of all ages during the next 18 months.

It wants the input of youngsters themselves to make sure they spend it wisely.

The cash comes mainly from the Livability fund of £2.8 million, awarded to the council by the office of the Deputy Prime Minister to make improvements to parks and open spaces, and some investment by the council itself.

As a result, the new facilities for young people will be based in four parks in the district -Promenade Park in Maldon, Riverside Park in Burnham-on-Crouch, Oak Tree Meadow in Heybridge and St George's Field in Heybridge Basin.

Julia Peel, chairman of the community services committee, said: "It is vitally important the council hears the views of the young people who will use and benefit from these new facilities."

Published Tuesday July 13, 2004

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