Dozens of high-flying Canvey youngsters celebrated their achievements from the past year.

Delight - eight-year-olds Shaun Francis, and Rebecca Fullman were award winners Pictures: STEVE O'CONNELL 2MJGQ2

Students from all 15 of the island's primary and secondary schools attended the awards evening last night, held at the Paddocks in Long Road, Canvey.

Awards were given to at least one student in every year from every school, recognising everything from academic achievement to community spirit.

The hard work of Shaun Francis, eight, and Rebecca Fullman, also eight, both from St Katherine's Primary School, was rewarded with Endeavour awards.

Paul Hayes, from the Castle View School, was named one of the top island teenagers, scooping his school's Year Nine award.

Proud Canvey councillor Ray Howard said: "Nowhere else in Essex can 15 schools come together and work together, Canvey is unique."

Published Tuesday July 13, 2004

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