The man arrested by police about a murder that happened 40 years ago was today revealed to be a pensioner living in Laindon.

The body of seven-year-old Kim Roberts was found in a wood in Purfleet in 1964. She had been raped before being killed.

The man questioned over the crime is Robert Murphy, 76, of Devonshire Road, Laindon.

Last Wednesday, the pensioner, who has not been charged with any crime, had his bail extended until August 18 to give police more time to investigate.

Kim went missing from her home in Stepney, East London, on March 1, 1964.

Her body was found in Maisie's Wood three days later by two teenage boys who were in the area scavenging for old radio parts.

Neighbours of Robert and Anne Murphy today said the couple have been married nine years. Robert Murphy is not currently living at the family home.

A 62-year-old neighbour, who did not want to be named, said: "It is horrible for Anne. I feel really sorry for her."

The woman, who has been a neighbour of Anne's for more than 20 years, has tried to avoid talking about the arrest.

She said: "I am here to talk if she wants to talk."

A 31-year-old neighbour, who also didn't want to be named, remembered seeing Mr Murphy from time-to-time.

She said: "I used to say good morning and he seemed fine."

Published Tuesday July 13, 2004

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