Residents were so disgusted with their treatment at a health meeting to discuss the proposed multi-million pound health centre that they walked out.

Residents from two groups, the Great Clacton Patients' Association Committee (PAC) and Residents' Action Group (Rag) from Holland-on-Sea, which is led by Hugh Morrison, were at the meeting to hear from the Tendring Primary Care Trust (PCT) at its board meeting.

Pearl Smith, chairman of PAC, said they brought the Kennedy Way agenda item forward and members of the public were allowed to ask questions.

But Mrs Smith said: "They would not answer any questions at all. They all had their backs to us and in the end we were so wound up, we walked out in disgust."

Paul Unsworth, chief executive of the Trust, said: "We have offered to meet with Mr Morrison.

"We do endeavour to answer his questions in an open and honest fashion but sometimes the answers we give him aren't always the ones he wants to hear."

Published Tuesday July 13, 2004

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