A schoolboy has been sent to a detention centre for two years after he tried to stage an armed robbery at a grocery store.

The 16-year-old was disarmed and foiled by shop owner Kashmir Singh in Salisbury Road, Grays. Wearing a black balaclava the teenager burst in last March, pointed a snub-nosed replica handgun and demanded: "Quick open the till and give me the money."

Middle-aged Mr Singh pressed the panic button to alert police as the boy pointed the gun at his face.

Then the shopkeeper grabbed his attacker and pushed the gun in the air. With the other hand he pulled off the balaclava to reveal the boy's face, said John Butcher, prosecuting at Basildon Crown Court.

Police arrived and arrested the teenager, who cannot be named for legal reasons. Mr Singh was taken to Basildon Hospital where he had nine stitches for a wound to the head.

The boy admitted attempted armed robbery, having an imitation firearm and unlawfully wounding Mr Singh.

The judge, who awarded Mr Singh £350 from public funds, said: "He showed great courage and bravery."

Published Tuesday July 13, 2004

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