Smokers who want to kick the habit are being encouraged to take up free services to help them quit.

One-to-one and group support sessions are available across the Maldon and South Chelmsford Primary Care Trust (PCT) area, which takes in South Woodham Ferrers.

One ex-smoker from South Woodham Ferrers, Iris Day won a £100 hamper in a prize draw after making contact with the PCT about quitting.

Iris, who smoked for 65 years, received support from her local practice nurse and Jackie Tosic, health development advisor at the PCT stressed this kind of help is readily available.

"All people need to do is make contact with us and it could be the first all-important step to quitting the smoking habit," said Jackie.

She added that people could also contact their GP practice for help.

Published Wednesday January 21, 2004

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