Southend's cliffs, hit by a devastating landslip only 18 months ago, are still moving because of the wet weather, it has been revealed.

Tony North, executive councillor for leisure, said constant monitoring was taking place to avert another landslide.

The council is facing a £35million bill to restore the cliffs to their former glory and extra costs to find a new area for the bandstand, which was virtually destroyed in the last slip.

At the moment, council geophysical consultants are carrying out work at the top of the Shrubbery and the Royal Terrace has been closed temporarily to the public.

Mr North said: "With the work which is also being carried out on the refurbishment of Pier Hill, it is essential that we keep a strict eye on what is happening in the Royal Terrace area."

Council leader Howard Briggs said: "It is simply a question of money which is stopping us carrying out the major work on the cliffs straight away."

Published Tuesday January 20, 2004

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