Ambitious plans to hold an open air soul concert in Harold Hill, which were first revealed in the Brentwood Gazette last month, are a step closer to reality.

The organisation behind the plans was in meetings with Havering Council, emergency services and interested parties this week to discuss the possibility of a superstar line up in Dagnam Park.

The council's officers told the charitable organisation that firm applications must be in by the end of February to allow the concert to be held on June, 19.

The plans for an afternoon soul event in 'The Manor' have met with a certain amount of approval from Friends of Dagnam Park chairman Del Smith.

Mr Smith's group have been told they could benefit, along with other local organisations, from any profits made by the concert, which organisers say could attract as many as 10,000 music fans.

After attending the meeting Mr Smith said: "My general feeling is they are certainly not ruthless money makers and that we still have a long way to go. Don't get too excited - the next six weeks will tell."

Published Thursday January 15, 2004

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