Daredevil drivers are making good and steady progress in a clapped-out motor they hope will carry them 3,000 miles across Africa.

Brothers Alasdair Ritchie, 30, and 26-year-old Duncan embarked on the Plymouth to Dakar Rally on Boxing Day to raise money for charity.

Together with friend Kevin Loveday, 26, they are journeying to Africa's west coast in an old banger which cost less than £100.

The three Wrabness men have already reached southern Spain, just two days after setting off.

Alasdair Ritchie, reporting back by text message, has said, "All's well so far."

Early morning on Sunday, Duncan Ritchie sent a text message back home saying "driving through torrential rain in a car we got given".

The next message received on their personalised website was sent from a hotel and read "beer drinking in southern Spain!"

The men were hoping to experience the New Year in Marakesh.

The three-week Plymouth to Dakar Rally is a budget version of the prestigious Paris to Dakar Rally.

It is in its second year and the Wrabness team, called Ginger Wheelspins, is one of 40 taking part.

Published Friday January 2, 2004

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