A mother has warned of serious accidents outside a school caused by parents dropping their children off by car.

Samantha March, 31, of Newpark Road, Benfleet, takes her nine-year-old niece to Kents Hill Junior School, in Kents Hill Road.

Now you see them, now you don't - Samantha March seeks the yellow lines outside the school with Thomas Picture: TERENCE BUNCH

She revealed that the yellow lines down Clifton Avenue have worn down to the extent that they are barely visible.

Samantha, who has a son, Thomas, due to start at Kents Hill Infants in September, said: "It's an accident waiting to happen.

"Parents park there while taking their children into school and some park so near to the junction that other cars cannot turn into the road.

"Each morning that area is gridlocked and often parents end up shouting at each other.

"All they need to do is repaint the lines and the problem would be solved."

Nigel Thomas, spokesman for Castle Point Council, said: "We will look into the situation and have our highways inspector inspect the condition of the lines. If they need to be brightened up to make the area safer we will ensure that this is done as soon as possible."

Published Thursday, June 19, 2003

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