More needs to be done to protect old Harwich from the proposed development at Bathside Bay, a meeting heard.

The East Essex Area Forum heard the county council wanted to ensure old Harwich was protected from the effects of a new container terminal.

Last night's meeting, held at Wix village hall, also heard a public inquiry into the plan, expected to take place later this year, may now not take place until early next year.

Trevor Howe, special projects manager for the council, explained the plans for four deep water berths, a rail terminal and a small scale harbour between the development and old Harwich.

He added the council was concerned about "the conservation area and this huge container port, which will possibly sit alongside it, and how they will live together."

There are other schemes still to be decided in Dibden, near Southampton, and at the London Gateway.

The county council said no decision should be reached on any one until all the evidence has been heard.

Residents were sceptical about the 772 jobs port owner Hutchison said will be created.

Mr Howe said that figure had been arrived at by consultants but added more clarification was needed about the extra 1,000 indirect jobs Hutchison said would also come about.

The firm behind the Bathside Bay development in Harwich should be made to contribute towards the A120, a roads boss has said

Rodney Bass, Essex County Council cabinet member for highways and transportation, said Hutchison Ports should help pay for the road if its scheme goes ahead.

Speaking at the forum last night, Mr Bass said all developers should pay if they wanted a new access on to the highway.

Published Wednesday, June 18, 2003

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