Residents throughout the Braintree district are being encouraged to get fit and reduce the number of cars on the road by getting on their bikes.

Braintree Council celebrated National Bike Week by officially opening two refurbished cycleways, one in Braintree and the other in Witham.

The first cycleway to be opened was a route between Millennium Way and Stubbs Lane, Braintree.

The route was formerly a muddy footpath, which was expanded, had lighting put in and a cycleway marked last year.

In Witham, a cycleway between Spinks Lane and Allectus Way was opened, which links a large housing estate with the Bramston Sports Centre. It had additional lighting put in and a new surface.

Chairman of Braintree Council, Keith Bigden, and vice-chairman Jackie Pell officiated at both openings.

Published Wednesday, June 18, 2003

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