Controversial proposals for residents-only parking in Leigh and Chalkwell look set to be abandoned.

Members of Southend Council's cabinet will be recommended by technical services director David Watts to drop the scheme after it met with strong opposition within the area.

Public consultation showed 1,732 people were against the scheme while only 847 were in favour of restrictions.

Mr Watts said a detailed examination of the results showed there was support for parking controls concentrated around Leigh Broadway and the surrounding side streets.

These were areas where there was the greatest competition for parking spaces between residents, shoppers and business employees.

He said there could be justification for drawing up a scheme for this area based on controls operating during the working day.

However, it was felt nothing should be done on this issue until after there had been further experience of the operation of controlled parking zones elsewhere in the borough.

Published Wednesday, June 18, 2003

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