Artists struggling to create masterpieces in draughty billets with scarcely a farthing to rub together may be a rarity these days, but Southend has at least one.

Off the wall - the title of this item is Lost Picture: STEVE O'CONNELL

Chris Moon, 26, has dedicated the last three years of his life to creating 30 paintings for an exhibition to get his creative abilities known. His dream became a reality with a one-night show at the Clarence Yard bar in Southend.

Chris, now living in York Road, said: "I have been working on a budget of nothing. I couldn't even afford to have the pictures framed."

The self-taught artist, whose work includes pop art, expressionism and portraiture, is hoping a few commissions will boost his career as a full-time artist.

Published Wednesday, June 18, 2003

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