The work of young carers in Southend has been recognised with a special event.

Southend Council treated them and their families to a buffet dinner and entertainment evening at the Savs Centre in Alexandra Street, Southend.

Thanks - young carers complete a quiz at their night Picture: ROB BROWNE

The event was held to raise awareness of carers' needs and praise them for the hard work that so many perform.

A spokesman said: "Young carers are young people who have caring responsibilities due to someone in their family having a disability, which may include physical, mental, drug or alcohol related problems or HIV and Aids.

"These disabilities demand a high level of assistance from the young person and the impact may mean that the disabled person is the centre of focus. As a result of this the young carer may not get the attention they deserve.

"Some carers have faced family members with terminal illnesses and, as many of them are from single-parent families, they are under tremendous pressure.

"This sometimes causes school performance and attendance to be affected."

Published Tuesday, June 17, 2003

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