A Bradwell woman has won her fight to remove a public bench from outside her home following disturbance and foul language from youngsters congregating there late at night.

The bench was initially taken away to be repaired but now the parish council has decided not to put it back but to find a new home for it instead.

The move follows an appeal from Mandy Baker, backed by other residents of Hillary Close, to get rid of the bench outside their homes for good.

They complained of noise late at night and foul language from youngsters gathering there. Miss Baker said she was delighted by the decision.

"It has been an absolute nightmare. The seat has been there for about four years and has been nothing but trouble."

She claimed the problem had been affecting her family's health, particularly her three-year-old daughter Shannon who suffers from chronic asthma.

The noise at night forced her to sleep with the windows closed during the summer, which meant she had to have fans on in both her rooms.

"Since the seat's been gone it has been blissfully quiet," she told the parish council.

Published Tuesday, June 17, 2003

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