Teachers and pupils are celebrating the opening of a new £30,000 car park that could help save children's lives.

Somewhere to park - headteacher Alison Blant, governor Tony Woodward and KeyMed's Luke Calcraft celebrate the opening of Pitsea Junior School's new car park with pupils Picture: TERENCE BUNCH

Before it was opened, staff at Pitsea Junior School, in High Road, had to park on part of the playground. Lorries making deliveries also had to drive on to the children's play area.

Headteacher Alison Blant was concerned about the safety of her pupils. She said: "With all these vehicles driving onto the playground, I believed it was an accident waiting to happen.

"Although we told the children not to play in certain parts of the playground, you can't ever rule out something bad happening."

Planning began three years ago. Money was finally raised through donations from local businesses and grants.

Published Friday, June 6, 2003

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