A fun day has raised nearly £6,000 for a five-year-old girl with cerebral palsy.

The day raised much-needed cash for Stephanie Heanue, of Sea View Avenue, West Mersea, to help her buy a special second skin suit.

The suit, which cost £1,300, supports her muscles which have been weakened by the disease.

Although Stephanie got her first suit in January, she is growing fast and will need another one in the next year.

Organiser, and friend of the Heanue family, Kim Proctor, said: "It was an absolutely fantastic day, one of the happiest days of our lives."

Along with a teddy bears' picnic and a sponsored chip eating contest, there was also a raffle and an auction.

Mrs Proctor explained that Stephanie contracted a viral infection and was rushed to hospital on Friday but was determined to make it to her party.

She said: "Stephanie was so excited it made me cry. It was a very emotional day, there was a lot of hard work but everything came together and nothing went wrong, everything was just magical."

Along with the money for Stephanie and her family, donations will also be made to The Little Haven children's hospice, Cancer Research, plus £100 for The Gazette's Sparkle Appeal.

Published Tuesday, May 27, 2003

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