Police have issued a warning to farmers and horse owners after a spate of thefts from stables.

In the past few days there have been more than 20 thefts from stables in the Thurrock area, with thieves netting equipment worth around £35,000.

In one incident at Fenns Farm on the A1306, 12 stables were broken into and £15,000 worth of horse riding equipment was taken.

On the same night another 12 stables in Love Lane, Aveley, were targeted and the thieves got away with equipment valued at £20,000.

PC Paul Jones, of Grays police, said: "The thieves could not have got away on foot. They must have had vehicles.

"We are asking anybody who saw anything suspicious, or anyone who is offered horse-riding equipment to contact us as soon as possible.

"Keepers of animals are advised to keep tack, trailers and horse-boxes locked and to make sure doors and windows are closed and bolted."

Anyone with information should call 01375 391212.

Published Monday, April 28, 2003

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