A council manager is jetting off across the Atlantic to find out how his American counterparts are making their neighbourhoods safer, cleaner and more attractive to business.

Franco LaTorre, head of Thurrock's neighbourhood services, will be leaving on Saturday on a seven-day visit organised and funded by the Government's Neighbourhood Renewal Unit.

His visit will take in Atlanta, Georgia, and Tampa and Disneyworld in Florida -- three places involved in projects to improve their environment and retain and expand business investment.

The aim is "to meet experienced managers, identify good practice and innovation and to contribute to a national programme of learning".

There will be opportunities to talk to US street wardens and their supervisors, find out about recruitment techniques and enforcement powers, and discover how top neighbourhood schemes evolved.

Neville Baldwin, Thurrock director of community services, said lessons learned would be adapted to benefit communities in Thurrock.

Published Tuesday, April 22, 2003

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