Colchester cyclists are being warned to tighten up security or lose their bikes.

A growing number of people in the area have been targeted by bicycle thieves, many after leaving their cycles in a garden without locks on them.

The string of thefts has prompted a warning from police to properly secure bikes rather than face the cost and inconvenience of replacing them if they are stolen.

Det Sgt Roger Napier, of Colchester CID, warned: "We've had quite a few bikes stolen from back gardens where people have just left them out.

"It is best to lock them in a garage or shed or if you are going to leave them out in a garden secure them with a D-lock."

There have been three bike thefts in the last few days alone : from a chip shop in St Christopher Road, Colchester; Lucy Lane South, Stanway and outside JJB Sports, Sheepen Road in the town.

Published Monday, April 14, 2003

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