A school was celebrating today after being taken out of special measures.

Staff and governors at Mayflower Primary School, Main Road, Dovercourt, has been told by Government inspectors the school had met improvement targets.

Now the school is looking at how standards can be maintained.

Mayflower Primary School was put on special measures nearly two years ago after an Ofsted report noted "serious weaknesses in leadership and management" and "a clear lack in educational direction".

Headteacher Margaret North said the school had worked hard to overcome its problems.

She said: "It has been hard but it has been worth it and in many ways a school that comes out of special measures and has improved is in a stronger position for the future."

Inspectors had praised the school's "significant staff development in creative management" and "creative solutions to problems," said Mrs North.

She said they found the quality of teaching had improved, children had a broader curriculum base and strong leadership.

Emma Jones, chairman of governors, said: "We are absolutely delighted and it recognises the hard work that has been put in by staff and governors."

Published Thursday, April 10, 2003

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