It has been revealed that the biggest complaint by bus users in Southend is the local authority's failure to join up to a successful shared ticket scheme in the borough.

The Southend Area Bus User Group said tickets issued by First and Arriva cannot be used on other routes because of council rules.

Chairman Richard Delahoy said: "We think the council's decision to refuse to include its bus services in the joint ticketing scheme, which applies to all other routes in Southend is plain daft.

"Passengers want simple, easy to understand rules, not to be told the ticket they bought on one bus is not valid on another."

The group is holding a public meeting to discuss ticketing problems and other complaints about local buses.

Mr Delahoy said: "Many issues raised at our bus-user surgery last October remain unresolved.

"Now we want to hear again from passengers about their problems and concerns."

The group did praise new bus shelters and the fitting of raised pavements at stops served by low floor buses.

A Southend Council spokesman said: "The return, rover and season tickets issued by the bus companies are not accepted on the contracted subsidised services as this would reduce revenue to the council, which would require an increase in budget or a decrease in services."

Published Wednesday, April 9, 2003

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