Three Clacton schools were today celebrating success in their bid to bring in more than £5million for new community facilities

Colbayns High, Clacton County High and Bishops Park schools had joined forces to apply for the Government money.

The aim is to create new amenities which will draw people into the sites from the outside community.

They have now been told the funding has been agreed for the joint service centre schemes.

The go-ahead has come direct from the office of the Deputy Prime Minister, John Prescott.

Nick Pavitt, head at Colbayns High School, said: "There will be something for everyone - all ages right across the board - and this is very exciting for all three schools.

"Among the facilties which could be created are public libraries, internet cafes, training and conference rooms, doctor's surgeries and halls which can be used by the community out of school hours."

Published Monday, April 7 , 2003

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