A new community transport scheme has been launched to help residents and groups access more facilities in their town.

The £300,000 project will help provide transport in the Harwich area.

Based at the Park Pavilion, it has been funded partly by the Market Towns Initiative.

Debbie Rotchell is the project's co-ordinator and will be joined by two part-time drivers who were appointed on Friday.

Eventually it is hoped to have up to 100 volunteer drivers as well.

Mrs Rotchell, 47, said: "It's a scheme for the community of Harwich and outlying villages to enable community groups, such as Age Concern or the Scouts, to be transported in one vehicle, rather than have every mum and dad in the world come along.

"It's extremely cheap for them to use the service, and we do also have a large van which people can use along with the main bus to enable them to transport equipment."

There are two minibuses which will shortly be available, and already groups have signed up to use the project.

Published Monday, January 27, 2003

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