The problem of nuisance water bikers and speedboats is to be considered by councillors.

And one suggestion is to ban powered craft using seafront launching ramps along the Tendring coast all together.

The only exception would be to anglers using powered craft who would have to apply for special permission.

A ban would stretch along the whole of the Tendring coastline.

The request to Tendring Council to review the matter followed concerns raised by Frinton and Walton town councillors.

Frinton mayor Nick Turner, who lives close to the seafront at Frinton, said while it was mainly some water bikers who were causing a problem, a lot of other people used the ramps to launch sailing boats.

He said: "I don't think their access to the sea should be prohibited but we are fully aware of the noise jet skiers cause."

The problem boiled over this summer. Shocked holidaymakers at Frinton complained, after watching in horror, as some visiting water bikers ignored the 200-metre limit and travelled at speed close to children playing in the sea.

Power boat owner Paul Rouse admitted there were problems but, he said, it was mainly with "out-of-town" water bikers.

Mike Page, a spokesman for Tendring Council, said the matter was due to be discussed by the council.

Published Wednesday, January 15, 2003

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