Selfless carers who have dedicated the last ten years to caring for the seriously ill and dying received awards at a ceremony in Westcliff.

Jenny Lionel and Jan Burton have worked tirelessly with the Fairhaven Hospice in Southend supporting people who chose to die at home rather than in the hospice.

Awarded - Val Riley, Avril Bishop, Rosalind Matty, Kim Littlejohns and Jan Burton Picture: ROB BROWNE

Rosalind Matty is nurse care director for SPDNS Nurse Care, which provides an independent community nursing service and employs the two carers.

She said: "Jenny and Jan are both wonderful.

"Jenny, as a home carer, has provided care for people who are often highly dependent to allow them to stay at home.

"Jan is a hospice at home co-ordinator and enables people who are very near death to stay at home as well as managing the volunteer service, which helps people who are at home and need help.

Avril Bishop, Kim Littlejohns and Val Riley, who all also work for SPDNS Nurse Care, were also feted at the presentation at the Players Retreat bistro in Station Road for gaining the level two national vocational qualification in direct care.

Published Tuesday, January 14, 2003

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