A number of voluntary groups have received much-needed cash boosts after the former Castle Point mayor's charity fund dished out more than £7,000.

Liz Brett was mayor of Castle Point for the year 2001/2002 and is now deputy to Charles Smith.

During her time in the hotseat, she organised and over-saw numerous charity events which raised £7,150.

She said: "I would like to thank all the charities that supported me and the charity events during my time as mayor.

"It wasn't an easy year and I would like to thank them from the bottom of my heart."

The money raised was divided up between voluntary groups who care for the needs of the Castle Point community.

Groups which have received the cash include: Little Haven's children's hospice in Thundersley (£100); Castle Point Domestic Violence Panel (£300); Age Concern Canvey (£300) St Johns Ambulance (£200); Canvey Lifeguards (£200); and Canvey Youth Project (£200).

Published Tuesday, January 14, 2003

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