Getting on your bike has never been this much fun.

Bike enthusiast John Malseed has lovingly restored a 117-year-old, four-wheeled Sociable bike, designed for couples to ride side by side.

He spent months researching the history of the bike and restoring it to its former glory in his workshop in his Crown Street home in Dedham.

Pedal power - John Malseed and his daughter Samantha try out his newly-restored, four-wheeled Sociable bike Picture:TERRY WEEDEN

It took four months to put the quad bike together.

Mr Malseed made some new parts for it and has taken it for test rides with his daughter Samantha.

The bike will be going to its new home in Scotland where Mr Malseed's friends plan to put it on display.

The bike was made by Coventry firm Rudge and Mr Malseed thinks there are only about ten left worldwide.

He said: "It takes up the room of a small motor car so you get quite a bit of respect on the road.

"When you think back to the leisurely days of 1885, people would only go for a cycle for a mile or two.

"If a lady was cycling, which was almost unheard of, it was better for her to be cycling with her husband on a Sociable."

Published Friday, January 3, 2003

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