A company has come up with an invention which could help thousands of caravan and mobile home owners across Tendring stay high and dry protecting their property from serious damage.

The firm has developed a device which raises the structure up above rising water levels in low-lying areas and will take it back down again when the flood recedes.

And if it proves its worth, it could help parks in the district expand their operating season.

There are more than 8,700 caravans across Tendring, not including those on residential sites.

Sally Looker, tourism manager for Tendring Council, said there was always concern about flooding in the winter and she would be very interested in the new device.

"It could help some of our operators extend their season, which is currently being looked at in a number of locations," she added.

F&D Systems came up with the idea about 18 months ago and has been improving the design ever since.

By fitting four large polystyrene blocks, surrounded by galvanised frames, to the underside of the caravan along with a swing arm, the structure can be raised up with water levels in the event of flooding.

The swing arm which can be designed to allow any lift is anchored into concrete and ensures the caravan returns to its original location when the water recedes

Published Wednesday November 6, 2002

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