Firefighters rolled up their sleeves to clean cars and help make a little girl's dream come true.

The crews joined family and friends at Wickford fire station and raised £1,100 for five-year-old cancer victim Aaliyah Reading to visit Disney World in Florida.

Big day - little Aaliyah Reading at the car wash with mum Brenda and two firefighters Picture: ROBIN WOOSEY

The little girl, who lives in Purfleet, has already had a kidney removed and is being treated at Basildon Hospital and London's Great Ormond Street Hospital.

Fire station organiser Paul Baker said one woman was so touched by Aaliyah's story that she donated £50 and said she was not bothered about having her car washed.

Another motorist had her car cleaned and went off to a christening where relatives had a whipround and raised £145.

Mr Baker praised the Motor Shop in Nevendon Road, Wickford, for donating sponges and shampoo, and Dolphin Print, also of Nevendon Road, for giving free leaflets.

Published Tuesday November 5, 2002

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