Braintree MP Alan Hurst got his hands dirty when he went out with Braintree Council's rapid response Clean Team.

He visited the council's depot in Millennium Way, Braintree, to see its waste management services in operation.

Braintree Council's lead member for environment, Phil Barlow, showed Mr Hurst around the offices and facilities, including the recycling centre and the new call centre.

And the MP also went out with the Clean Team in Witham to visit some of the town's rubbish hot spots and see the team at work.

Mr Hurst said: "We went to a number of sites in Witham and the team got me lugging old mattresses around.

"It was amazing the jobs they get called out to and it is credit to Braintree Council that they are operating this emergency team so effectively."

Published Wednesday October 30, 2002

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