Splash-happy swimmers at Woodlands School in Brentwood are diving in to swim the channel for charity.

But don't worry - they will be taking on the challenge in the comfort of the school's own swimming pool!

From September to December pupils will be clocking up lengths to see if they can cover the 22 miles - roughly equivalent to 3,538 lengths of Woodlands 10-metre pool.

The charity swim is part of the national Channel Swim Challenge organised by ASPIRE - the Association for Spinal Injury Research, Rehabilitation and Reintegration.

Head of PE, Barbara Fitch, said: "The challenge has created a bit of a buzz amongst the pupils and we intend to run a friendly inter-house competition to see which team can complete the distance first.

"In fact the this event seems to have really caught the imagination of the staff too and the teachers have even entered a team to compete against the pupils!"

Published Tuesday October 22, 2002

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