Young football fans in Rayleigh can work on picking up the skills of the World Cup winners when the Brazilian Soccer School opens a coaching centre on November 4 running from 6-8pm.

The course focuses on ball skills, refining and improving complex skills to achieve the samba style of technical competence in all areas of the game.

Director Mark Hunter said: "We believe young players can develop into technically proficient footballers despite an apparant lack of natural ability.

"The skills of our Brazilian Soccer School players , who have featured on many national television programmes, have astonished young and old."

Wednesday evening training sessions continue from 5-7pm at John Burrows recreation ground in Hadleigh and each two-hour class costs £4.

All coaches at both sessions are qualified and have been security checked by the police.

For more details or to book a place, call Mark Hunter on 01268 685159 or 07884 098029, or e-mail

Published Wednesday October 16, 2002

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