Residents say they are being kept awake by roadworks going on outside their homes until 2am.

Council contractors are using pneumatic drills, concrete cutters, lorries and JCBs in Spa Road, Hockley.

Work on the revamp of the town's main road is going on in the evening to avoid disruption to shops and businesses.

Night work - roadworks go on under floodlights PIcture: MAXINE CLARKE

Richard Helson, 26, said: "The work is going on right outside my flat and the noise is horrendous. It's impossible to get to sleep until it is finished. I am supposed to get up at 6am for work which has been very hard, and I have been late for work because of it."

Mr Helson has complained to Essex County Council, which is responsible for the work.

Neil McCullogh, area highways manager, said: "We agree that heavy noise levels going on this late are unacceptable and have spoken to the contractors, McAlpine. It was agreed that they would do everything they could to keep noise levels down and would get all of the noisy jobs done before midnight."

McAlpine declined to comment.

Published Monday October 14, 2002

Brought to you by the Evening Echo