A schoolgirl was shocked to the core when she bit into an apple to discover a gold ring hidden inside.

Jamie-Louisa Arnold, 12, said: "It was shocking. I hurt my tooth a little bit. This is the weirdest thing I've ever found in my life."

She said the experience had not put her off eating apples, which are her favourite fruit.

Jamie's family had been enjoying a week away at Waldegraves Holiday Park, Mersea Island, and were relaxing by the swimming pool when the schoolgirl made her lucky find. Mum Melanie Arnold had just bought the apple from the holiday park shop.

Jane Fillis, owner of The Wheat Grain Shop, said: "They bought it from me and I was shocked. This has never happened before and I don't think it could ever happen again."

She said a gardening expert told her a magpie probably dropped the ring into apple blossom and the fruit formed around it.

Published Tuesday August 20, 2002

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