Supergran Maureen Sanders has returned home after a successful missionary mission to Thailand.

Mrs Sanders, 64, of Abbey Crescent, Thorpe, a member of Thorpe Baptist Church, raised more than £1,500 so she could travel to Thailand to carry out her lifelong dream.

The trip was organised by the Baptist Missionary Society and she was part of a group of ten people aged between 18 and 64 from all over the UK.

Tolerating temperatures of 106 degrees, she helped to prepare cabins for 100 missionaries holding a conference and then helped to run a holiday club for their 40 children, working up to 13 hours each day.

She said the children, who were from seven different countries, provided a challenge to her.

"It's amazing how that little bit of travellers' German suddenly comes to the top of your mind and you are somehow able to communicate with a seven-year-old German boy," she said.

Published Friday August 9, 2002

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