A spinal problem led Robert Beard into the seedy world of drugs, a court heard.

He used cannabis resin as a pain relief before moving on to amphetamine and then the class A drug, cocaine.

But ailing Beard's money ran out and he got into debt with his drugs dealer, barrister Maria Dineen told Basildon Crown Court.

She added Beard, 36, began pushing drugs to finance his habit. He was eventually arrested in September when police swooped on his home in High Street, Canvey.

They discovered his drugs and equipment for selling cannabis - scales, plastic bags and a notebook with "customers" names.

Beard pleaded guilty to possessing cannabis resin with intent to supply and having quantities of cocaine and amphetamine.

Miss Dineen said his arrest came as a relief because the drug taking was getting out of control. His life has now changed. He has left Canvey and moved to East Sussex where he works in an animal sanctuary.

She said Beard has suffered considerable spinal pain and personal problems over the years, but has managed to become free of drugs for four months.

He was told by Judge Nicholas Jones: "I am going to give you an exceptional chance, but if you come back to court, you will not get a chance like this again."

Beard was given a 12-month prison sentence, suspended for two years.

Published Monday, March 25, 2002