A cyber cafe, nursery and plans for parents to join children in class could revolutionise a Colchester school.

A funding bid has been drawn up at Sir Charles Lucas School and Arts College. It forms part of the school management's aim of making the Hawthorn Avenue school as accessible to the wider community as possible.

It would be the first in the county to have a cyber cafe and the facility to enable parents to learn with their children. Only one other secondary school in Essex has a purpose-built nursery.

Education chiefs at Essex County Council say if the plans went ahead, Sir Charles Lucas School would become the most community and parent-friendly school in Essex.

An education authority spokesman said: "All three components brought together sounds pretty unique.

"A decade ago there were signs that schools were private places and people should keep out. But now, with good security, there is a trend of opening up schools and making people from the community welcome."

Published Monday, March 25, 2002