The Essex Association of Local Councils (EALC) which represents most of the parish and town councils in the county, is urging members to attend a training day on May 11 to learn more about the new Code of Conduct under which they must abide.

Main speaker will be Paul Hoey, head of policy and guidance at the Standards Board for England.

Nationwide, there has been some concern among local councillors about the new Register of Interests the code will now require them to adopt.

But, says Joy Sheppard, Essex county secretary, the EALC saw no problem with this.

"These are just the normal interests they have declared for years," she said. They have always had to abide by a code of conduct. This new code is not a great deal different from the old one.

"Some people are upset about it and not prepared to do it, and we may lose some very good councillors who will not stand again and I am sad about that.

"One the other hand, we will not lose all of them. It is not as onerous as it has been made to sound."

The new code has been imposed by the government following the Nolan Report on standards in public life.

The training day is at Great Dunmow and further details are available from Joy Sheppard at the EALC on 01371 879722.

Published Monday, March 25, 2002